The Parish of
Next Services
Sunday 8th September 10:00 - Family Service
Sunday 15th September - 10:00 Communion Service
Sunday 22nd September - 10:00 Service of the Word
We hold a service at 10am every Sunday
Newcomers and visitors are very welcome
You do not need to be confirmed or a communicant to come to any of these services.
If you have any special requirements or would like more information before visiting, please contact
The 1st and 3rd Sundays in a month are traditional Communion services.
The 2nd Sunday of the month is an all-age service which is more informal and particularly suitable for families, though everyone is very much invited!
The 4th Sunday in the month is a traditional service of the word (no Communion).
Any 5th Sunday in the month is a café style service around small tables in the church room, followed by a discussion about church life. and a group ministry service with friends in Ockham and Horsley where the location varies. See church calendar for specific dates.
A prayer for the people of the Holy Land
If you've been unsure how to respond to the news from Israel and Palestine, the Archbishop of Canterbury shares these words to shape our prayers. And if unsure how to support, we recommend Christian Aid, Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) or Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (PCRF)
Trusted organisations already operating in Ukraine and among the refugees are:
Our Give a Little page to make any special offering to the Church.
We really benefit most from regular giving
and, if you are a tax payer, Gift Aid.
For more information
on how to set this up email our Treasurer
Thank you for your generosity
Contact information: Jamie Hogg -
Diocesan Safeguarding Officer -